
Self Assessment tax return accountant

Our Outsourced Self Assessment Service


Outsourcing annual self-assessment tax returns is a great way to maximise the resource in your own accountancy practice.

We all know that some tax returns are relatively straightforward while those for high-net-worth individuals typically require a more strategic approach.

By letting our Self Assessment tax return accountant team handle the routine returns, making the calculations and completing the paperwork, you’ll free up your own team to give strategic advice to those high value clients.

You might also choose to outsource self-assessment tax returns during those challenging peaks towards the end and beginning of each year, reducing the stress of the January crush and providing your clients with a seamless service.

We’ll work with whichever systems you currently have in place, from Xero to FreeAgent and every stop between, so that you and your clients can continue to enjoy easy recording and real-time information.

With Diamond Outsourcing on board it has freed up my time. I no longer work evenings or weekends, I have more time with the family, I have left my 9 to 5 job. I concentrate on the areas of accountancy I love whilst they do the rest. We have an aligned vision to grow my practice and through help and mentoring we are growing together day by day!

— Janielle, Kent

Four easy steps

Our process is straightforward and transparent

step one


Our UK management team will work with you to set up goals and processes – who is responsible for what and how it will work in practice.

step two


We'll brief the overseas audit team and get you connected. You'll manage them directly but can call on us whenever you need to.

step three


The audit processing team will work through the tasks you set them, from reviewing accounts to running audit tests.

step four

Results review

They'll present outputs on the agreed schedule and we'll check in with you to confirm you're happy with the results.

Outsourcing Self Assessment Tax Guide


Tax outsourcing services involve hiring a professional or firm to handle your tax return process, ensuring accuracy and compliance with HMRC regulations. When considering outsourcing, it’s crucial to understand the key aspects that contribute to an informed decision.

Benefits of Outsourcing Tax Return Services


Outsourcing your self-assessment tax return tasks ensures higher accuracy in tax preparation, calculations, and paperwork, reducing the chance of errors. Professional accountants specializing in tax returns can meticulously check and re-check all details. This leaves your high-value clients confident in the precision of their financial records.



Staying compliant with HMRC regulations can be complex due to frequent changes in tax laws and criteria. Managing your tax liability through compliance is crucial to avoid unexpected financial burdens. Outsourcing ensures that your tax returns meet all legislative requirements, preventing penalties and interest due to non-compliance. Specialised teams are always updated on any changes, ensuring your returns are always in line with the latest regulations.



Free up valuable time by outsourcing routine tax return processes. Outsourcing can also help minimize your tax burden by identifying opportunities for deductions, credits, and exemptions. This allows your team to focus on strategic advisory services for high-net-worth individuals. The time saved can be directed towards other critical areas such as self-employment accounting services or providing more personalised advice to your clients.



Engaging an external team for tax return services can be more cost-effective than hiring additional in-house staff, especially during peak periods. Outsourcing property tax services can further enhance cost-efficiency by reducing overhead costs related to employee benefits, training, and workspace. By choosing to outsource, you can reduce overhead costs related to employee benefits, training, and workspace. Additionally, the efficiency gained can translate into more invoiceable hours spent on high-value tasks.


Pressure Relief on Deadlines

The January rush for filing self-assessment tax returns can be overwhelming. Personal tax outsourcing offers significant relief during these peak times, ensuring expertise, cost savings, and efficiency. Outsourcing these tasks can alleviate this pressure, ensuring deadlines are met without the last-minute scramble. This provides a seamless experience for your clients and fosters a calm work environment for your team.


Why Choose Our Outsourced Self Assessment Service

Outsourcing your self-assessment tax returns can significantly maximise your accountancy practice’s resources. During tax season, outsourcing becomes particularly advantageous, offering efficiency and peace of mind through professional handling of personal tax responsibilities. By entrusting our team with the routine filings, you free up your own staff to focus on strategic advice for high-value clients, a vital aspect in today’s competitive market.

This service becomes especially beneficial during peak times when the pressure of the January deadline is at its highest. Our experts handle all calculations and paperwork, ensuring your clients’ tax returns are accurate and submitted on time, reducing the risk of HMRC penalties.

We are adaptable to various accounting systems such as Xero and FreeAgent. This means you can maintain your current processes without disruption and still benefit from real-time information and efficient recording.

Choosing to outsource allows you to avoid the common pitfalls associated with self-assessment, such as missed deadlines and filing errors. It also means freeing yourself from the stress of year-end peaks and providing a seamless service to your clients throughout the tax year. This additional resource can lead to significant improvements in client satisfaction and retention.


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